3 Following


Wild Child - Molly O'Keefe

*Whew* This was an emotional roller coaster for both of the lead characters. They both started out so alone and trapped behind their own self-made walls and it's almost a miracle that they actually found their way to each other. Watching their guarded hearts open up and bloom was wonderful! There was so much turmoil and angst, the reader could have gotten lost in the fog of anger & mistrust but luckily there was plenty of steamy goodness to pull you out of that funk from time to time. Whoa boy howdy, that first intimate scene when Jackson comes back to Monica's hotel room after her initial rejection! Talk about incendiary!!! *Fanning myself* There were plenty of sub-plots to keep you on your toes with quirky & likeable secondary characters. I know the next Bishop boy is Brody and I'm looking forward to reading all about this broody hunk as soon as it comes out but I am truly hoping that Shelby gets her own story soon! 

I received this book from the publisher and the Early Reviewers Program on Library Thing. No compensation for my review was given.